Our Story
17 grams of coffee was the basis of our very first recipes and there are 17 of us involved in this project - and 17g Coffee was born!
17g Coffee, is a group of high school students trained as baristas by the Specialty Coffee Association. We focus on sourcing high-quality specialty coffee, roasting to perfection to produce an amazing cup of coffee.
Our specialty coffee is selected for its taste, quality, seasonality, sustainability and traceability. We roast fresh, for both espresso and filter coffee, and have a passion for single-origin and blends, as long as it tastes exceptional!
17g Coffee is a non-profit company. We return all profit from serving and selling coffee into development projects with an aim to empower producers, enhance working conditions and highlight the delicate and difficult reality many coffee producers face. Visit our blog to learn more.
Our school encourages us to take on new challenges, take risks and learn while doing something. You can find out more about our school here.